Cocktails and Canoes
This is a podcast about two best friends coming together over a cocktail (or mocktail) and talking about a sport that they both love.
Cocktails and Canoes
The Tahoe Waterman Episode
Kelly and Will
Episode 101
First off - NAC Va'a California Race #3 is on SATURDAY.
Second - we had the great opportunity to hang out and get to know Jay Wild on a totally new level. He's a professional athlete, professional businessman, and professional DAD! Learn more about the Lake Tahoe Waterman Lifestyle and what has been evolving from the Mecca of Flatwater Standup Paddling to a very competitive outrigger canoe paddling community.
If you've been dragging kelp thinking about coming to the Puakea Designs Wild Buffalo Relay in April - come out for the short course! Race and then stay for the Cocktails and Canoes Short Course afterparty on Saturday and play along with Buffalo Bingo!
To Learn more about Tahoe Waterman visit: https://watermanslanding.com/